
Just a reminder that we have a C Flight in order to widen the field of competition. The C Flight includes golfers with course handicap ratings of 15 and over. After reviewing the results and looking at our current membership and handicap ratings, flights are set as follows:.  A - 0 to 9 ; B -10 to 14 ; C - 15 and over. 

We will maintain that the  required players for a Flight to qualify in a tournament is 10. So if 10 players are in any Flight for a tournament it will count. If less than 10 players are in the B Fight they will move up to the A Flight. If less than 10 players are in the C Flight they will move up to the B Flight.


Any player 65 years of age with a handicap of 15 or more can play from the Senior tees in all tournaments with the noted exception. So for example, if a player has a handicap of 15 from the White tees and is 65 years of age or older, he may play from the Senior tees with an adjusted handicap of 9 but will be playing in the C Flight based on his 15 handicap from the White.


  • WNYPLGA A/B Team Qualifier - All players play Blue or White tees.

Once again we would like to stress the importance of managing your tee time.  If your posted Tee time is 11am, it IS 11am. Not 10:30 or 10:40. Jumping out before the actual starting time of a tournament unless specifically approved by the golf course management and the Board member at the registration table will be cause for disqualification. If a group is not ready to play at their assigned Tee time, you are not to jump in just because your group is ready unless told to by the board member at the registration table. If a gap occurs because a group is not ready the Board member in charge will move groups up accordingly. Having said all of this, please arrive at the course and check in at least 20 minute prior to you posted Tee time.


The GHIN System was replaced with the World Handicap System in 2020 and had proven to be a benefit to tracking players handicaps. Cost will remain the same to the club for 2024 but we have been forewarned to expect a significant increase to our cost in 2025. The BOD will do our best to try and absorb the cost and not pass it on to our membership via a dues increase.

There are three key changes beginning in 2024 in regards to posting scores and handicapping and you should be aware of them before the 2024 season begins. One pertains to course ratings and shorter courses, i.e. executive Par 3 courses, one regarding playing between ten and seventeen holes, and another on nine hole scores. You can click on the link below to learn more about them.


 All paid members are provided with a GHIN number in order to access the system and enter in their scores. Moving to the GHIN system provides you with the ability to see your handicap at anytime should you choose to play in a tournament elsewhere. For those that do not have access to a computer or smart phone in order to enter your scores, cards can still be dropped into our club box and your score will be entered by one of the GHIN committee members. Anyone wishing to have a GHIN handicap on file for participation in the WNYPLGA and BDGA tournaments only, and not participate in our club tournaments, may do so by becoming an Associate Member. Cost is $40.00.


We have scheduled the NYSGA to rate our course this year.  The below rating was done in 2019 and ratings are only allowed once every five years.

TeeLengthCourse Rating/Slope RatingFront 9Back 9

*** A USGA Course Rating is the evaluation of the playing difficulty of a course for a scratch golfer under normal course and weather conditions. It is expressed as strokes taken to one decimal place, and is based on yardage and other obstacles to the extent that they affect the scoring ability of a scratch golfer.

*** A Slope Rating evaluates the relative playing difficulty of a course for players who are not scratch golfers. The lowest Slope Rating is 55 and the highest is 155. A golf course of standard playing difficulty has a Slope Rating of 113.

The Below May Help Explain How the Handicap System Works

​Golf is a unique game in that anyone can compete with anyone else, regardless of skill level. This is thanks to handicapping.

Handicapping is implemented via the World Handicap System. This system, jointly governed worldwide by the USGA and R&A, levels the playing field and enables golfers of all abilities to compete on a fair basis. No matter your skill level, if you have a handicap index, you can compete with another golfer in a fair competition, in any format, on any course, anywhere in the world. olf is a unique game in that anyone can compete with anyone else, regardless of skill level. This is thanks to handicapping.

However, despite the utility of handicapping, many golfers have a fundamental misunderstanding of how handicap indexes work. That’s where we come in. Below, you’ll find five handicap-index misconceptions and some explanations we hope clear things up.

Myth #1: A handicap index represents your average score

Many golfers have a fundamental misunderstanding of what a handicap index actually represents. They hear someone is a 2 handicap and assume that golfer should shoot two over par every time they tee it up. That is far from the truth.

“A handicap index, in basic terms, is a numerical value that represents a golfer’s demonstrated ability,” says the USGA’s Assistant Director of Handicap Education and Outreach Lee Rainwater. “Ultimately, we say that because we’re not looking at a golfer’s average. We are looking at how a golfer is capable of performing on a golf course.”

“Demonstrated ability” is a key phrase here.

Myth #2: You should shoot your handicap every time

This is directly related to No. 1. Again, handicap index does not represent your expected score every time you play. It is a reflection of demonstrated ability, not average ability. It can be frustrating not to play to your potential — but that’s kind of the point, too.

“It’s actually expected that in any given round, you’re going to shoot two, four, five strokes higher than your handicap index,” Rainwater says. “And it could be higher than that if you just have a poor day. Golfers vary from a standpoint of consistency. But generally, one in every four to five rounds you will play to your handicap.”

Myth #3: A handicap index counts all your scores

Another misconception comes from the way a handicap index is actually calculated. As noted above, many golfers think a handicap index refers to an average of your scores. This is partially true, but not completely accurate.

Per the USGA’s website, “your handicap index is calculated by averaging the best eight score differentials out of your most recent 20 scores.”

Each time you tee it up, it is more likely than not that it won’t affect your handicap index. Unless it’s one of your eight best rounds, that score will get dropped. So, next time that 2 handicap in your group has an off day, don’t automatically assume it’s a vanity handicap.​

Myth #4: All scores are created equal (Pt. 1)

Score differential is a key ingredient in handicap index calculation, but it’s not widely understood. For a proper explanation, we turn to the USGA’s handicap FAQs.

“A score differential measures the performance of a round in relation to the relative difficulty of the course that was played, measured by the course rating and slope rating,” the USGA explains. “The result of the daily playing conditions calculation is also included in the score differential calculation, which may provide an adjustment if course and/or weather conditions significantly impacted scores on that day.”

The score differential formula is as follows:

(113 / Slope Rating) x (Adjusted Gross Score – Course Rating – PCC adjustment)

Myth #5: All scores are created equal (Pt. 2)

Golf scores, like many things in life, require nuance to interpret. A pair of 78s from two different courses could count in different ways for handicap purposes. This is because score differential is used to calculate your handicap, and not raw scores in relation to par.

“We’re looking at your scores in relation to the course rating and the slope rating being played,” Rainwater says. “Someone might see a score and simply compare it to par, and it gives a distorted view about performance. Shooting an 82 on a really difficult course may very well be a much more impressive performance than a 78 on an easier course. We focus on the score in relation to the difficulty of the course to drive the handicap index.”


The skins game has always been a subject of discussion over drinks at the bar, and at times a point of contention and heated debates. The BOD in an effort to try and organize the skins game rathe then leaving it up to different individuals with different ideas. and in an effort to lend some order to it decided to run the skins game with an 80% handicap allowance. Based on the figures that are available to anyone just for the asking, the return of money was evenly dispersed among A, B and C flight players. So no single flight of players dominated and the winners within each flight were also pretty evenly distributed with no single player winning large majority of the money. This year in addition to the 80% skins game the club will also be running a scratch skins game for those interested in investing their money there.

Below is a link to an article addressing the skins game in golf. It is based on one-thousand rounds of golf using the same golfers on the same course. The findings are very interesting and provide some food for thought.


Kaumeyer Cup

This will be a year long event and is a total point system based on ALL club tournaments.
Points cannot be earned unless dues are paid.
Handicap scores, all players in one flight
Points will be awarded as follows:

There will be a maximum of 35 points available in any tournament with a minimum of 35 players.  Points will be awarded as before with the winner getting 35 points, second getting 34 points etc.  If there are 40 players, again the maximum number of points available will be 35 meaning the persons placing in spots 36 through 40 will receive zero points.

If  less then 35 players are competing the maximum points available will be adjusted accordingly. So if 25 players are competing the maximum number of points will be adjusted to 25 meaning all players would receive points.
In team events such as a Two Man Best Ball the following system will be used. If 18 teams (36 players) enter and post scores both individuals from the first place team will receive 18 points, both individuals for second place will receive 17 points and so on with the last place team receiving zero points.
The Club Championship and the final ABC Individual will be considered Major Tournaments and points awarded will be doubled. If 25 players post scores the first place finisher will receive 50 points, second 48 points, and so on with the last place person receiving 2 points.

Gift Cards will be awarded as follows:

1st Place - $75
2nd Place - $60
3rd Place - $50
4th Place - $30
5th Place - $25

Kaumeyer Cup standings will no longer be posted here.​​​

Kaumeyer Cup standings are available through the Golf Genius web site link sent out following each tournament.


The club will be awarding a fifty dollar gift card to the Most Improved Golfer this season. The formula for determing this is provided by the USGA and is calucalted within the GHIN system. So an A golfer with a handicap of 7 will have the same opportutnity of a C golfer with a handicap of 20. Simply lowering your handicap by  a certain number of strokes doesn't automatically ensure you will win. Other factors are weighed in to the formula such as how difficult is it for the A golfer to lower his handicap by even one stroke versus the C golfer to lower his by two or three.

Hyde Park hires USGA course superintendent Randall

Hyde Park Golf Course announced the hiring of Jeff Randall, a United States Golf Association certified golf course superintendent.

The USGA is the governing body for all golf in the United States, overseeing the U.S. Open, the Women's Open, the rules of golf and the certification of golf professionals. Randall has three decades of professional golf experience, having managed courses ranging from 27 to 54 holes, while advising on maintenance and care of many others.


Congratulations to this year's club members who have recorded a Hole-In-One

Phil Holody - Hole 15

​Rocco Zendano - Hole 5

 Jim Munro
Darin MortMike Oliveira
Mike Spanbauer

Drew Wager

Doug Crocker